About Ultrasounds

We offer non-emergent ultrasounds at Audubon Family Veterinary Center. We always recommend considering an ultrasound with a specialist (a board-certified veterinary internist or radiologist) first. However, we recognize that this is not always possible. For this reason, AFVC can now perform ultrasounds and obtain images for interpretation as an alternative step. All of our ultrasounds are performed under light sedation to facilitate a calm experience for your pet. We prioritize cases that are chronic, have signs of Cushing's disease, or have signs of chronic gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. Other reasons for an ultrasound could include chronic kidney disease, increased urination or drinking, liver disease, weight loss, or to monitor the progression of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as inflammatory bowel disease. This would not include acute vomiting or diarrhea or any emergency situation, such as a male cat that cannot urinate.
We can also evaluate the abdomen for signs of cancer or masses, though we cannot obtain samples of masses or lesions found in the abdomen.
Ultrasound can be used to check the viability of fetuses in pregnant dogs and cats by checking for movement and counting their heart rates. Low heart rates indicate fetal distress or loss of pregnancy. Ultrasound can also be used before a Cesarean delivery to make sure the fetuses are ready for birth. A radiograph (x-ray) is used to obtain the best estimate for the number of fetuses present in a pregnancy. This should be done in every pregnancy. We can also take these x-rays at our hospital.
Ultrasounds can be used for a variety of other reasons including trauma, heart disease, and sample collection. Brief ultrasounds can be used in trauma to look for signs of bleeding or hemorrhage. We evaluate for fluid (effusion) in the chest or abdomen that is due to issues such as heart disease. Lastly, we commonly use ultrasound to obtain sterile urine samples that can be used to diagnose infection.
Finally, ultrasounds can be used in conjunction with surgeries done at our premises. For example, we may use ultrasound to check the bladder for stones before and after a stone removal surgery. An ultrasound of the abdomen can be used prior to an anesthetic procedure to make sure the patient is healthy for surgery.